
Remembrance Day 2024 - Monday 11th November 2024
On Remembrance Day 2024, we gathered to acknowledge, honour and remember those who have served our country in all wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations.
This year marks 110 years since the start of the First World War, in what was Australia’s costliest conflict. After four years of continuous fighting, the guns of the Western Front fell silent at 11am on 11 November 1918.

LVRSL - Haldane Reserve, Veterans Reflection Area and Memorial – Wednesday 21 August 2024
Work commenced on the Haldane Reserve, Veterans reflection area and memorial on Wednesday 21 August 2024.

Presentation and Recognition Night – Tuesday 20th August 2024
Club President Andrew McShane, Club Patron Don Jeffrey, and the committee held a presentation and recognition celebration at the Club on Tuesday 20th August to celebrate the presentation of a number of important milestones and awards.

ANZAC Day 2024 – We will remember them.........
Its fair to say that we were a little surprised by the increased turnouts for both the Dawn Service and the Main Service in 2024. In fact estimates were made more difficult as there were a number of people who viewed both services from John Turnbull Park.

ANZAC Day Address – Thursday 25th April 2024 - Address by Mr John Wadsley
Thank you for the opportunity to speak today.
Why do we commemorate Anzac Day? This question was posed recently by my daughter’s American partner. They live in New York City. In the US, they have two commemorative days: Veterans Day on the 11th of November and Memorial Day, held on the last Monday in May. The latter honours military personnel who have died in the service of their country.

Tasmanian RSL Golf Challenge 2024 – Sunday 3rd March 2024
The Tasmanian RSL Golf Challenge which is run by the Lenah Valley RSL and is the major fundraising event for the LVRSL welfare fund, was held on Sunday 3 March 2024.
The Challenge, first held in 2011, occurs in March each year at the Claremont Golf Club and is an 18 hole Ambrose event.

Working Bee – Sunday 21 January 2024
A working bee organised by Mark Jones, Graeme Hawes and Peter Dane took place in and around the carpark. on Sunday 21 st January 2024. The main purpose was to clean up the dead and dying bushes around the Cenotaph lawns.
19 volunteers turned up many of whom not only supplied their own gear but also provided their ute and/or trailer to ensure the green waste was taken to the tip. Graeme Hawes has since commenced replanting some schrubs supplied by Westland Nurseries which should ensure that the area is in good condition for Anzac Day.

Remembrance Day 2023 - Saturday 11th November 2023
Remembrance Day, commemorating the signing of the Armistice that ended World War 1 at 11am on 11 November 1918 was again attended by around a 100 people in 2023.
This year's Remembrance Day marked the 105-year anniversary of the signing of the Armistice. November 11 is now observed around the world as a day to remember the sacrifice that countless people have made in service to their country. We remember and honour the 103,000 Australian men and women who have served and died for our nation, as well as recognise the sacrifices made by their families.

Vietnam Veterans Day – Friday 18 August 2023 - Presidents Report
Vietnam Veterans Day on the 18th of August recognised the 50th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War. Our club hosted the Vietnam Veterans’ Association of Australia – Greater Hobart Sub-Branch at a function in our club rooms that was attended by Her Excellency the Governor, the Honourable Barbara Baker; our member, and Independent Member for Clark, Mr. Andrew Wilkie MP; the Attorney General of Tasmania and club member, the Hon Elise Archer MP, and the Mayors of both Hobart and Glenorchy.

ANZAC Day – Tuesday 25th April 2023 - Committee Report
ANZAC Day 2023 in our club was another great success thanks to the many volunteers; from breakfast, fundraising, entertainment, crowd control, and clean-up and of course our great staff who were all run off their feet all day.
Thanks to our member, The Honourable, Josh Willie, MLC who provided us with a truly stirring and thought-provoking address at the main Service.